blogs, award nominations & writing

Jan 08, 2010 18:46

I’m guest blogging over at Temple Library Reviews about some of the differences between writing comics and novels. Thanks very much to Harry for inviting me to come play at his review site!

As reminded by several persons, THE PRETENDER’S CROWN has been nominated for the 2009 David Gemmell LEGEND Award for Fantasy. It’s on the long list, which is incredibly flattering, and it would be even more flattering to make it to the short list. My understanding is that voting between now and March will winnow the list down, so if you’ve any inclination, here’s the voting page.

I’ve reached about 47K on WORLDBREAKER, a bit shy of my 50K goal for the week. And rachelcaine is over there with 12 days to write another 60K on her book, and my brain is going “I COULD DO THAT.” Well. Once upon a time I could. My wee little brain is not so much in favor of it these days.

I know probably 10K needs to be cut from the first 30K, and much of what will be left will need revising. Part of me feels I should go ahead and just deal with that and get it out of the way. The other part of me wants to keep plugging away and get to the end before I go back. For once it’s not a question of having to fix the earlier stuff before I go on. The basic structure is right. It just doesn’t move fast enough. But cutting 10K just seems so *depressing* at this stage, so I’m leaving it alone as long as I can stand to.

suricattus posted her work schedule for the year, which nearly made me collapse with exhaustion on her behalf. It makes mine look not so bad at all. Mine looks like this:

Jan 15: DEMON HUNTS copy edits due
Feb 06: TRUTHSEEKER copy edits due
(somewhere in here: DEMON HUNTS AAs due)
Jun 30: Proposals for books 3-5 of the Inheritors’ Cycle & 7-9 of the Walker Papers due. Ideally before then. *Ideally* by mid-April. But we’ll see.
Post Jun 30: *wind whistles through a ghost town*

Hm. While I’m posting schedules, here’s this year’s publication schedule:

February: THE PHANTOM QUEEN AWAKES (anthology with a story of the Morrigan)

May: DRAGON LURE (anthology with a post-Negotiator-trilogy Janx story)

May 29: RUNNING WITH THE PACK (anthology with a Regency werewolf story)

June 1: DEMON HUNTS (book 5 of the Walker Papers. Birthday release date!)

August 31: TRUTHSEEKER (book 1 of the Worldwalker Duology)

Busy first half of the year, work-wise. Second half, not so much.

The Road Home: miles to Isengard: 31.3
ytd km swum: 5
ytd wordcount: 17,400
(x-posted from the essential kit)
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