a-revisioning we go

May 27, 2009 18:07

348 page manuscript. Cut 32 pages wholesale. Have probably 50 or so to revise significantly by switching into the heroine’s POV, plus front-loading the story with essentially all-new material (some 30-50 pages of it all told, though not necessarily all in the front). Total expected major revision work, something like 70-100 pages. Minor revisions throughout to make the old stuff work with the new. And yet, delightfully, neither stressed nor panicked over all of this. Let’s hear it for not being behind the 8-ball. Got about 1.5 chapters actually revised, new writing & stuff into them, today. Na’ bad.

Vague intended work schedule/delivery dates for the summer: TRUTHSEEKER revisions (June 12). Walker Papers #6 proposal (June 19). Chance GN #2 proposal (June 26, ’cause most of it’s done already, really). Mia GN proposal (July 17). WAYFINDER proposal/writing (Aug 28). DEMON HUNTS revisions (Sept 11).

Yeah, yeah, man plans, God laughs, but it’s a structure, which is important. And maybe this fall after doing DH revisions I can revise RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND and write a screenplay before writing WP #6.

ytd wordcount: 175,000
miles to Minas Tirith: 294

(x-posted from the essential kit)

beyond the 8-ball, writing, man plans god laughs, revisions, proposals

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