in more detail :)

Apr 29, 2009 21:40

Not spoilery, I don’t think, but with commentary:

Ok, I went in expecting it to suck. I hoped it wouldn’t, but I went in expecting them to fuck it up every minute of the way, and they continually didn’t fuck it up, so basically I was happy with the film. Two thumbs up.

I liked the Creed/Logan relationship a *lot*. I thought it worked better than any of the various comic-book versions, and I liked how much time they spent developing it. And Liev was a *fantastic* Sabretooth. I loved him.

I don’t even *like* Ryan Reynolds, but there wasn’t enough Deadpool. So he apparently done good.

Gambit, astonishingly, didn’t suck. The accent, unbelievably, was good. The powers-I’ve seen people bitching, all ZOMG what is he like a TEKE now what with all the card-throwing we saw in the trailers, but in fact while there was less pink, more boom than in the comics, I genuinely thought they’d done a really good job of showing what his powers would look like *in action*, as opposed to the still frames of comics. It was a little *different*-again, less pink more boom, but I thought the way he used his powers, particularly with regards to his staff, worked really well. I would have done his eyes differently, in the same way I’d have done Rogue’s hair differently, but I’m willing to accept how they *did* do it.

Emma was not what I expected. I am highly interested to see if they go on with her.

My biggest bitch with the film was they used too much CGI. CGI claws when it wasn’t necessary; when it was, in fact, distracting, CGI Sabes doing things I don’t view as very Sabes-like, overblown effects that would’ve looked better done with wires instead of the not-quite-real-enough CGI, stuff like that. I wasn’t crazy about the cinematic choices in some of the fight scenes-I wanted them clearer so I could see the throw-downs better-but really, that’s my biggest complaint. I thought the story was solid and I was surprisingly happy with it.

Also, the bit after the credits, which is reportedly different in different countries, made me squee happily. So there you go!

(x-posted from the essential kit)

x-men: wolverine, x-men, movies, fanboy, x-geek

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