*pinches bridge of nose*

Nov 27, 2008 17:06

It is my most sincere and bordering on desperate hope that there is either a second hard drive with more of my stuff on it, or that my photographs have been saved to the Big Storage Drive, because otherwise with the exception of about six (granted, very good) photographs, I have lost the original kitsnaps files during one of the computer failures of the past year.

It’s extremely likely they’ve been saved on the BSD. I vaguely remember Ted saying something about copying the photography to that drive. I am not-quite-panicking. But I am feeling Just A Little Tense about it, and will be profoundly grateful if Ted will arrive home and assure me-oh look, Ted has just arrived home.

*collapses with relief* Found them. They’re on the 40gb hard drive, just so I know in the future.

*collapses more*
(x-posted from the essential kit)

photography, kitsnaps

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