lucy update

May 30, 2008 21:44

Lucy was scheduled for a dental with no extractions, which meant they had to talk to me if they were going to do anything else. And the very nice man doing the cleaning did call me, and said that when the tartar was removed her roots were exposed on the upper teeth, and that he felt she would heal better and not need to go back in a couple months to have them extracted if he did the job now. So after talking to him I felt that I was making an informed decision and that it would be better for our poor kitty to have her teeth out today rather than make her go through this again. So she’s had her upper teeth removed, and the vet’s confident she won’t notice they’re missing, once her gums are healed up. Right now she’s groggy as hell and very very quiet, and Zilli is either worried or trying to assert dominance, ’cause he’s very growly and hissy at her, and I am very very stressed. I expect I’ll feel better tomorrow when Lucy’s feeling better.

miles to Minas Tirith: 459.3
(x-posted from the essential kit)


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