Rabbit Hole

Jan 27, 2005 14:55

The world didn't end until the third mirage.

By that time I was going like a bat out of hell, hot wind and sand burning my eyes til I could barely see. Stole my breath away about a hundred miles back, but who needs to breathe when you can fly? I hit the edge of the world at a million miles an hour, and let the bike go. Watched it tumble tumble tumble, wheels over teakettle, down a rabbit hole big as the sky. And I began to fall after it.

And who needs to fear when you're free falling through every moment of your life like it's branded on your skin. That's all you've got to do, spread your arms and throw your head back to the sky and let the sun beat down on you, tattoo you with every second of life that you've got.

And then an Icarus boy soared up out of the blue and caught me, his wings all fresh and cool, and I'm not one for angels, but I've got one with me now.

rabbit hole

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