Chugging along at quite a good clip on these edits. I won't get 'em done in time to photocopy them this afternoon (particularly if I sit here writing LJ entries), but I should be able to get them copied and into the mail tomorrow morning. I still like the book. I hope that's a good sign. :)
Things I have learned today while copyediting:
1. The phrase is "to the manner born", though I'd always assumed it was "to the manor born". Both, however, are in frequent use.
2. The spelling is "straitlaced", not "straight-laced", though again both are in common use.
according to Amazon, will be out at the end of April, a whole month earlier than I thought it would be released.
I must remember to make a note about the spacing of my initials when I send the copy edits back.
I think I will spend tomorrow having a Day Off, and try to read two or three more of the books on the TBR shelf, which (despite people continuing to send me books) is slowly shrinking. I'll go back to work on Wednesday. The next month is just going to be total chaos. Oi.
The clone thing was stupid and unbelievable. Ironically, the only *reason* it was stupid and unbelievable is because it hadn't actually been set up anywhere in 6th season. I'd have accepted it fully if we'd had even a hint, but we didn't, and their retrofit to make it work didn't.
Also (ok, you knew I couldn't keep it to one comment, didn't you?), irrationally, the speech that the new editor gave Lois about ending up forty and fat with kids and unable to look at a newspaper...made me feel like *Chloe* was the one who ended up in that position, because Chloe isn't in the comics. I know, I *know* this makes no sense, and yet I can't help thinking it. Have they introduced her in the comics yet?, I see it's planned for next year, according to Wikipedia. Apparently I'll be very glad when she /is/ introduced. :)