design woes

Feb 02, 2007 11:06

After nearly a year of keeping my journal on livejournal, I gotta say, god *damn* am I tired of this design.

And I'm still not nearly lj_design_wise enough to do anything about it. It continues to frustrate me. I mean, I have some pretty basic needs. I want a journal with a customizeable navigational column. Preferably *two* such columns. Livejournal pretty much in no way gives me that. But since there's no sense in being Irish if you can't be thick, I'm about to try beating my head against it one more time. I think probably most of you read this journal on your flist anyway, so it's not likely to make a lot of difference, but if you happen to come in through the front page at, it may be a mess for a while.

design, lj_geek

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