catching up on being a fanboy

Dec 02, 2006 20:06

Ted and I watched the last episodes of season 1 Dr. Who yesterday evening. Having never previously seen Dr. Who, and having heard pretty much across the board rave reviews, I have to say the show lived up to my expectations. ( Spoilers ahoy. )

fanboy, tv on dvd

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Comments 14

annathepiper December 2 2006, 20:10:44 UTC
I've been watching Doctor Who for years over spazzkat's and solarbird's shoulders, but it was Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor that really actually made me a fan. He is indeed fabulous. So's Tennant, his successor. ^_^

Re: older Who... there's some godawful crap plots in older Who, but then again there's some pretty neat stuff as well. Just be prepared for much goofier special effects, alien costumes/makeup, etc.


tamago December 2 2006, 20:11:02 UTC
Yay! Another convert!

I'll be interested to see what you think of Eccleston's replacement.


mizkit December 2 2006, 21:44:26 UTC
I'm so sullen over Eccleston leaving I'm disinclined to like poor Tennant, though I'm told he really is very good. :) But, since I know that this is how the Doctor works, I shall have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Next year, when S2 is out on DVD. :)


sammywol December 2 2006, 22:23:30 UTC
I felt exactly the same so will to try to talk you out of it. I am quite fond of the shorty little Scots loon but he isn't Eccleston and a still small part of me is always grinding my teeth slightly when I watch him.


tamago December 2 2006, 22:26:52 UTC
Yes, I have so much love for Eccleston that Tennant had a lot to live up to. I think Tennant makes a very good Doctor, but he doesn't hit me in my "squee" zone the way Eccleston does. OTOH, Tennant really does "it" for a number of other people, so you may find yourself won over quite quickly. It all depends.

I will refrain from giving you my thoughts on 2nd season until you've seen it.


janne December 2 2006, 20:40:43 UTC
I vote for watching tenth doctor next!


sammywol December 2 2006, 22:21:38 UTC
I hate Eccleston! In one season, one season!, he has rewritten everything I ever felt about Dr Who, which remember I grew up watching every week as a kid (from under the couch mostly - daleks being unable to bend down and see me there). Then he left! Aaaargh! David Tennant is pretty good, but it just isn't the same. He doesn't have that manic intensity that Eccleston can turn on like a flashlight. I love that!


mizkit December 2 2006, 22:27:05 UTC
from under the couch mostly - daleks being unable to bend down and see me there

*LAUGH* Brilliant planning on your part. Well thought out.


nwhyte December 2 2006, 22:39:17 UTC
Oh crumbs. I think this will take a major post (and professions of faith, almost) to reply to properly.

Having said which, if you check this site, you'll find the top ten old series currently are:

Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Caves of Androzani
Genesis of the Daleks
City of Death
Pyramids of Mars
The Deadly Assassin
The Tomb of the Cybermen
The Evil of the Daleks
The Robots of Death

...which would not be far from my own assessment - nine of the ten available in their entirety on video (most, indeed, on DVD) and six of them featuring the superb Tom Baker.

But I shall write something more comprehensive tomorrow.


mizkit December 2 2006, 22:49:32 UTC
Your 'this site' links back to this journal entry, but that's a very useful list! -laughs- I really look forward to your in-depth post. :)


inuitmonster December 6 2006, 22:29:56 UTC
After you have seen "Inferno" we can tell you the oft repeated Jon Pertwee anecdote, and then you will be a true Dr Who fanboy.


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