*puffed cheeks*

Nov 14, 2006 15:46

The synopsis for CAULDRON is done. I've done a page-long synopsis for the fifth book and a three paragraph one for the sixth, but included the last chapter of the sixth book, which I've had written for well over a year now, so, y'know, hopefully that alliveates some of the "bad writer, no cookie" for only a 3 paragraph synopsis. Besides, that's two books and probably 3 years away, so it's probably good enough for the moment.

I really, really should write a third chapter for the CAULDRON proposal, on the somewhat unlikely logic that they're more likely to give me a big fat advance if I give them 3 chapters instead of 2. (By that logic, I should hold off submitting the proposal until I've written half the book, which is *theoretically*, if not realistically, my NNWM project. Hah.)

Possibly I need to email my agent and have her tell me to stop being a twit and to do my chapter. Although I bet lots of you will be happy to do that for me without me bothering to email Jenn. (Please don't actually call me a twit. I don't like to be called names.)

walker papers, career

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