CE Murphy & the Great Newsletter Tragedy

Feb 20, 2019 12:31

Ten days ago I accidentally deleted my entire newsletter mailing list, backups, old newsletters, and all, and it cannot be retrieved.

For the TL;DR crowd, you can (please please please) sign up (again) at https://tinyletter.com/ce_murphy/

For those who enjoy stories of epic EBCAK, let me share the sad, mortifying tale.

It was so so so so stupid. I was trying to set up a NEW mailing list for blog posts, and tried using the same email address figuring it would say "that email is already in use" if that couldn't be done, right?

Except it didn't.

But THEN it wouldn't let me log in with the new username & I went "oh jeez, did I kill my ability to log in with the old username?" & tried & could. So I thought "well okay I'll just delete the new one," & switched to that window.

...only then I was logged in to my original account, and I didn't think it through, so when it said "do you REALLY want to delete this" I was like "sure brah" and...deleted it. All. Forever and ever, amen. And five seconds later I was like "OH, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD NO OH GOD NO I DIDN'T I DIDN'T OH GOD I *DID*" and really this was just not my finest moment. I spent half an hour or so trying not to throw up, that's how sick I felt, and a lot more time in a futile rage.

Obviously I did not confess this error to the world until after I had thoroughly investigated the possibility of retrieval with the provider and verified there's not a single solitary good god damn thing I can do about it except rebuild. I've spent about a week howling about it on other social media and am finally bringing it to the blog page, where the mark of my foolishness will be available for everyone to read forever and ever and ever. :}

So, once more, the sign-up page is at https://tinyletter.com/ce_murphy/ and I am so grateful to anyone who signs up again (or for the first time).
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