Deirdre’s 40th

Aug 28, 2016 20:35

My sister had her birthday party planned for last night, and after a bit of angsting decided to go ahead with it despite the circumstances. I think that was absolutely the right choice, and it was a busy, loving gathering…

…even if Deirdre did show up two hours later for her own party. It was worth it, actually, because it was a costume party, themed Cyborgs, Angels, Fairies and Superheroes, and she came as a cyborg (we’re half cyborg now, you know, since Dad had his brain surgery. that’s how it works, right?) and her costume was AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING.

I my own self went as my own comic book character, Chance, which is either really lame or really awesome or really meta, possibly all three.

Superhero and cyborg sisters (this has to be one of my favourite pictures ever taken of us):

Bunch more pictures behind the cut.

Cyborg and “ordinary man stuck in a robot suit”

I borrowed Deirdre’s top hat. :)

Cyborgian makeup being applied.

Superhero selfie!

On the train after the party, exhausted and not very good at this secret identity thing. :)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

birthday!, chance, cosplay, comics, family

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