best friends ever. :)

Jul 27, 2006 08:44

I unquestionably have the best friends in the world. :)

I've just gotten a care package from tersa. It contains Scooby Doo vitamins, *two* boxes of Kashi GoLean Crunch, *two* boxes of cornmeal (I will never run out of cornmeal! also, good call on the plastic bags, as one of the boxes got squished just enough to make it leak, though it retained general structural integrity), and numerous tubs of Crisco. I am FORTIFIED! Muahahahahah! I can make PERFECT PIE CRUST! I can CHEW MY VITAMINS! I can buy BERRIES to put on my CEREAL! *beam* Thank you so much! This is totally awesome! *laugh*

There was *also* a birthday package from aelfsciene included. *That* had a moose card, 2 X-Men coloring books (heavily seeded with Rogue pictures, to my huge amusement and delight), and a small journal with artwork of really cute frogs clinging to some celtic knotwork. I probably would not have noticed the part where the front of the journal said 'Now Is The Moment To Live Inspirational Journal' had the inside of the journal not had a note from Angie:

When I first saw these journals, a couple of years ago, they were just nice little blank things. The frogs were cute & vaguely Celtic, so it seemed ideal for you and I ordered one for your birthday. Then it arrived. I can't think of someone who needs this sort of thing less than you...[but] if nothing else, you can amuse yourself with internal exchanges like, "Create the world I imagine? Why? I'm doing it right now!" Or, "Believe in a beautiful tomorrow? What about the beautiful today?" or something like that.

I believe I shall use this journal to dispense words of inspiration to the internet as often as I remember, and then I will giggle and giggle and giggle over doing so. *laughs out loud* So today's inspiration, my friends, is that there is power in your vision and wisdom in your words.

Actually, it's really cute, Angie, and the frogs are wonderful. I love it. *laugh* Thank you! *beam* I have excellent, excellent friends. Thank you both very much. *beam*

daily life, philosophy of life, best friends evah

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