Yes, yes, I know that the way to actually have my Photo Friday/Kitsnaps post regularly is to prepare them weeks in advance and get them set to auto-post. It’s the weeks in advance part where I’m falling down, especially because I’d *like* to post the pictures false-framed the way I’ve done the last ten or so.
Possibly this is a terrible choice and I should reconsider it forever, especially as I’m reasonably certain the only one who actually cares about it is me. I just feel like the images look more *finished* with the frames, and it gives me a sense of satisfaction. OTOH, so would posting images more regularly. @.@ *Either* way I really need to find the time and enthusiasm for going through thousands of digital images and deciding what’s worth keeping and what isn’t. @.@
Anyway, for today we have the penultimate image from our brief sojourn in Athy, taken while I was wandering down side roads to see what was to be seen.
(x-posted from
CE Murphy)