things to say

Aug 13, 2014 17:03

I have a lot of political posts warring in my brain to be written and not much actual will to write them right now, it seems. I guess in another couple weeks I’ll see if I still want to say them.

In the meantime, this is a good body image campaign.

Ten days to go on the Fantasy Fudge Fundraiser and $1077 to make me write a story about Joanne attempting to make fudge. :)

After running out of ink and getting a new toner cartridge, my printer has started jamming on hideously wrinkled pages. After consulting the internet, I have taken its guts apart and discovered that the, uh, toner roller, or something, roller is, as the internet suspected, wrinkled. I have not yet concluded whether it can be unwrinkled or if it has to be replaced, but it’s putting a big, uh, wrinkle, in my plan to print up a 200 page manuscript for proofing. Argh, sez I; argh twice.

My MAGIC & MANNERS patrons have caught up to me and I honestly have no idea when I’m going to get ahead again. Not this month, unless a miracle occurs. Probably September, assuming all goes well. Which hardly ever happens. :)

Gabra Zackman starts to record the audio book of SHAMAN RISES today!

Ted and I are watching The 100. The worldbuilding in it is appalling. The story is apparently interesting enough, because we keep watching, but my *God* the worldbuilding is bad. I barely go an episode, HALF an episode, without wincing over it internally and frequently commenting externally. It makes me want to write my own post-apocalyptic dystopian young adult series with *good* worldbui-oh wait, I’m shopping that around right now, I remember. :)

Um. I guess that’s all for now. Except my thinks to do list so I remember the thinks to do on it.

- print up & proof STONE’S THROE
- catch up on M&M
- make many cakes
- go to shamrokon
- finish nephew’s book
- make green tea cupcakes
- go to la fanu birthday party
- type up & post MPOC’s fic

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(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

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