Feb 23, 2011 11:04
I have not posted for a long long time in this community, but still ocassionally drop in to read some of your journals and comment.
So, I shall cut to the chase: My 15 year old niece who is an elite gymnast, recently broke her tibia and is bored to bits sitting on her bum recovering. Her whole world revolves around her sport and the goal of representing Australia at the Olympics, so this is a major set back. Like many teenagers she is glued to Facebook and the TV.
She is an introverted kid, so I have encouraged her reading, and she is really getting into the fantasy/supernatural genre. So whilst she is reading many books my bank account is suffering as I don't have time to lurk in the library to get her next fix :)
Her latest passion is Kim Wilkins' Gina Champion mysteries, thanks to Blithespirit starting her off :)
Now, I have sourced all of them, except for "Witchsong" and "Nightshade", which unfortunately second hand is in the vicinity of $50 plus second hand. If any of you have a copy you wish to loan out or can part with, I will cover your postage and pay a fair price for the book if you want to sell it.
Thanks in advance, R