
Jun 25, 2007 05:53

I'll do a full update later, but something interesting happened yesterday. My roommate and very close friend Sarah informed me that she's pregnant with her second child! Yee-hah! Taylor's just over a year old, so she can definitely hve another child, but they were going to wait for awhile. Yay though! Then last night, Ruth, a girl from my church who had a child in December, announced SHE was pregnant again too!

Geez! Am I the only one who's not married or having a child in the world? I hadn't heard of ANYONE being pregnant for at lesat 6 months, and then all of a sudden 2 people in one day, one of which is one of my best friends??? Not that I'm wanting to rush things, not at all, but still- it seems like life is passing me by. :(
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