Dec 28, 2004 22:49
My cousin asked me a question on Chisrtmas that I've been thinking alot about lately. He asked we if I were happy at APU and I said 'yeah'. Then he asked me if I could see myself there all four years of college and I said I didn't know. Which is very true. Iunno I've just been talking to alot of my friends from home lately about college. They tell me what its like for them I tell them what it was like in the 'wilderness' as they call it. And its like having talked to them and a number of other things has just caused me to reflect and really think. I don't know if I'm happy enough to stay at APU. Its kinda like the whole campus is a bubble and I'm sorry I don't do well in bubbles. I'm not a bubble person. I have a tendancy to wanna pop them. And I think I really realized that this semester, but iunno I pushed it aside until the end(which was probably why I had mad attitude and was ready to snap at the last few days.)
Iunno I mean the school is cool or whatever and if I had to do the whole semester, and college choice thing over again I would do it you know. Because there was alot of bad things but there was also alot of good. And the good out weighs the bad for me or at least I thought it did.
I finally started going through my stack of mail that I accumalated over the semester and I have some other collegiate options that I thought I was over but now I can't ignore them.
Its weird its like I came home from college and nothing makes sense,almost nothing fits and about everything irritates! Gosh, I'm telling you I really miss being away from home.But anywho, now I wish I hadn't have gotten my wisedom teeth pulled because I'm at home all the time recovering and I have way to much time to be alone with my thoughts.