So I dont entirely know what an LJ cut is.... so lets just hope Im doing this right.
I figured Id submit atleast one proffessional picture.
1.Name? Franki
2.How did you find out about this community? Another Community.... Georgous Freaks
3.List 5 of your favorite bands: Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Collide, Snake River Conspiracy, Republica
4.List 5 bands/singers you detest: I cant just list 5, because Anyone who sings rap or country of ANY KIND I truely detest.
5.Things that piss you off? Gum on my shoe, Touching anything 'gooey', Torcher of children or animals, sexual and racial discrimination, people who cant dance that try to dance with you, being alone.
6.What are 5 words that best describe yourself? Intelligent, Nice, Angry, Loved, Non-sexual.
7.Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Yes.
8.If accepted where will you promote this community at? Uh... where do you want me to? I can do it on my LJ, and I can go find other communities and be a total nuscence by flooding their community with your stuff. Sound like a plan?
Application Complete.