I'm gonna try this Birthday Prompt thing again

Dec 08, 2014 23:20

First, HELLOOOOOO!!!! I live! And lurk! And feel like I'm perpetually trying to change that, so here we go with one of my favorite ways - my birthday promptfest!

dSSS is on track (off to beta!), and I know I'll be done by deadline. I am feeling okay about where I stand, time-wise and story-wise. Other than finishing up some auction fics (yes, they're all in progress, some nearly complete) I have no major writing plans lined up (though I will be hosting the C6DVD card exchange again, so keep an eye out for info in the next week or two). And while I do have two art projects to start, my fannish schedule is pretty open.

Over the past four years y'all have been kind enough to give me AMAZING prompts to write or draw, so I am asking for them again. Hopefully it will keep my muse happy.

I would love to write some short fic (drabbles, snippets, maybe longer) between dSSS and Jan 16. Please comment to this post with a prompt for me. Include characters/pairing, and a word or two. Any fandom I've written for is fair game (my Tags cover most of them, I think). If it's for one of my AU 'verses (including but not limited to Ch-ch-changes, Pern, Krkavec, Winning Hand, Kate & Leopold, Linnet, HSM/Angel Oracle 'verse, Ray Switch, I-Man baby!verse, djinn!Ray, and OMG that's a lot of AUs) feel free to ask for a timestamp! But no 'verse required, as long as it's a fandom I've worked with before.

And then I'll write them and post one a day leading up to my birthday. Ooooh, or I may do art instead, you never know! I've been drawing a LOT this year and loving it. Hooray for using my degree!

fangirls are the best, birthday prompt

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