The Ray Switch is DONE!

Aug 05, 2011 10:24

I am, I think, in shock. Part Two clocked in at just over 98,000 words, making the overall total around 182k - good grief, that's a lot of writing!

The fic will be available tomorrow on AO3 when the C6D Big Bang goes live - woohoo! I like AO3 a lot, even though it was extremely difficult last night and today. But to only have to split this part into two chapters was lovely, and a lot less work thank posting at LJ.

To celebrate, I thought I'd run a quick guessing game contest, with a ficlet to the winner (because I haven't written enough lately *eyeroll*).

So, which episodes do you think I chose for the second half of the Ray Switch? It's a twelve ep arc, and I will give you the tiny hint that I count two-parters as one ep (that's how I counted Victoria's Secret in Part One). The person who guesses the most will get a fic from me, and it can be original or a timestamp in any 'verse EXCEPT the Ray Switch. I need to let that one lie for a bit, please.

Guess away!

crossposted from my DW account, where there are comments


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