Birthday prompt #9 - due South, F/K, coyotes article

Jan 13, 2011 10:22

First things first - Happy More Joy Day!!! I love MJDay, love doing fun little things to celebrate it, both in RL and online. So today's ficlet is a happy one, in honor of the day. It's from a prompt given to me by primroseburrows, and while I'm not sure it's quite what she asked, I think it's pretty close.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Fandom: due South
Rating: G
Prompt: F/K, this article:

Fraser was cleaning up his breakfast dishes when the sound of Ray’s laughter filtered into the kitchen. Considering how early it was, and how little coffee he knew Ray had had so far this morning, Fraser wondered what had him so tickled.

“Hey, Ben,” Ray called out. “I think I know where Dief’s been sneaking off to.”

Fraser put the plate he’d been drying back in the dishrack and picked up his cup of tea as he went to join Ray in the living room. He found him on the couch, newspaper in hand and an amused look on his face.

“What was that?” he asked, settling on the arm of the couch nearest Ray.

“I said, I think I got the mutt’s nighttime antics figured out,” he replied, turning the paper so Fraser could see it.

Fraser looked at the empty dog bed, then toward the half-open window by the fire escape before shifting his focus to the newspaper. “Sixty Wild Coyotes Patrol Chicago,” he read. “Well, if Diefenbaker is involved, it would explain why he’s been so tired lately.” He paused. “And smug.”

“And here I thought he’d been getting some serious action,” Ray chuckled. He cocked an eyebrow at Fraser and gestured at the article. “Wonder why he didn’t tell you about this.”

“That is curious,” Fraser replied absently as he read. He turned his attention back to Ray. “Perhaps he thought I’d discourage him.”

Ray sat back and looked up at him. “Would you have?”

Fraser considered that. “No,” he replied, shaking his head. “His desire to increase the safety of the city, and keep the wilder animals in line, is an admirable one. However, I would have thought working with the K-9 corps would be less arduous, and therefore more to his liking.”

“Maybe,” Ray responded, then pointed to a paragraph Fraser farther down on the page. “But you gotta admit, the perks are right up his alley.”

Reading on, Fraser could only agree.

“So, how we playing this when he gets back?” Ray wondered.

“Just leave the article where he can see it,” Fraser answered. “If he wants to tell us more, then he can.”

Ray folded the paper and set it on the coffee table; the article was prominently displayed. “If he stays quiet, I’m gonna start getting Quizno’s for lunch until he breaks. You know that, right?”

“Of course, Ray,” Fraser agreed, getting up to finish cleaning. And if his smile had as much to do with the upcoming stand-off he was sure would ensue between Ray and Dief as it was the kiss Ray gave him as got up to follow Fraser into the kitchen for more coffee, well, no one else needed to know.

fanfic, due south fic

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