Nov 27, 2002 09:55
well, here i am again, not a lot of news to report, still no job and no sign of one in the future, im at my wits end about what to do i realy need a job but there's nothing in this city, anywhere worth working just isn't hiring or for whatever reason i'm not getting a job at these establishments, and after the my last few experiences at my places of work i absolutely refuse to get a job at a restaurant, or at least in a kitchen but with my piercings there's no chance that i'd ever get a job as a server so that pretty much rules out the entire food service industry which is fine by me because i hate food anyway, i still feel sick at the thought of food from applebee's and if anyone has ever seen what i have in that kitchen you'd all understand why.
it's been an alright week for the most part but for some reason remain relatively pissed off at anything and everything and almost bitched out some woman at wal-mart for not moving out of my way, It's probably just all my frustration from the past little while coming to a head and me not knowing what to do about it getting even more pissed and so on. my choices : let things be and release the tension at an oppotune time or flip on someone who pisses me off at the wrong time preferably some stanger who hasn't a clue what's going on. any other suggestions please let me hello to everyone whom i haven't talked to in while