Nov 22, 2004 22:02
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously, my family is insanely sneaky. so apparently, reagan was able to move her flight home up a day, but of course no one told me. so tonight at about 7, my mom says she really needs to go to the market and get the stuff for this week (of course stupid me didn't remember she went yesterday) and my dad decides he'll come along to help. because i was sick today she says she'll get me ginger ale. ok, so about 2 hours later they come back (which is normal timing for market trips, remember, i live in the middle of nowhere) and my mom says, well, im sorry sweetie, they didnt have ginger ale, but i got you peanuts (which is my sister's baby nickname) instead. im like "oh ok" thinking wut the fuck would i want peanuts for, and suddenly my sister jumps in the room! seriously, we both started screaming and crying. and now, though only for these few day, my life is complete.