The onslaught of Harry/Draco fics are making me squee, but I can't keep up!
Seriously, this happens every time. A fic fest starts posting, I'm swamped with work, kids or whatnot, and I fall behind. So far I've only managed to read a handful of the
hd_holidays fics that are being posted, but it just so happened the first two I clicked on were both excellent, so I had to rec them here.
Chasing Ghosts by anonymous. [PG]
A sad, poignant story about working through grief and past regret. The h/d moments are lovely. Beautiful writing.
a mix of snow and petals by anonymous. [PG-13]
Sweet, poignant and a little absurd. Contains a relentlessly perky Draco, a characterization I don't think I've ever seen before, yet it works here because this Harry needs someone to liven him up. Genuinely funny and heartfelt. I read it twice.
Recs from
june05 Just Another Lifetime by
furiosity. [PG-13, Harry/Draco, Draco/Blaise and other pairings]
It's written by f, so you know the writing is going to be good, but I thought she surpassed her skills with this one. A poignant look at Draco's life through 27 years of birthdays.
When Father Was Away by
spare_change [R]
Draco-centric fic about the effects of Lucius' imprisonment on his mother and himself. (It picks up immediately at the end of OotP and is non-HBP compliant.) Contains some interesting ideas about the Malfoy family's magic. That Malfoy Manor will only yield to the will of its current master was especially clever and poignant especially with regards to Narcissa who finds herself unable or unwilling to cope with Lucius' absence. There's little bit of pre-slash h/d at the end.
It's almost over, Draco by
reira_21 [Harry/Draco, PG-13] (Light nudity, probably NWS, depending.)
Expressive, beautiful shading. Sexy, pensive Harry.
ETA: I just noticed that I used the word poignant in all four of my fic recs. That must be a kink of mine.
On a more sartorial note. I'm wearing new sandals today, and they hurt. Ouch! But I'm also wearing a black wrap dress I found in the sale bin at Banana Republic, and it looks fabulous.