
Aug 14, 2006 22:48

Community Pimp!
~ hd_remix started posting today! I haven't had the chance to read the two fics posted yet, but I think this is going to be an awesome fest.

A short wrap-up of what I've been reading (otherwise known as the rec post I meant to post yesterday).
Prodigal Son by agnes_bean [Harry/Draco, PG-13]
I really liked this fic. Aside from some SPAG problems, I thought the storytelling was excellent. I also surprisingly liked that this fic was just as much about Harry's relationship with Draco as it was about his relationship with Ginny and the rest of the Weasley clan. It seemed very realistic. You get older; relationships change. Sometimes they get strained; sometimes you wonder if it's worth the effort, but in the end what brought you together in the first place is still there. Poignant stuff without being too heavy-handed. I was also amazed at how young the author is, considering that she portrayed the older versions of Harry, Draco and Ginny so well.

Gossip Girl by anonymous. Draco/Goyle. [G]
I thought this fic could just as easily work as gen as it could as slash. It's quite short, and very understated, yet still manages with one scene to show the depth of the affection the two have for each other. Oh, how I loved the Draco in this -- completely stubborn, sarcastic, and totally spot-on, and Goyle, who isn't really a character I care much for, is wonderful too.

Wooing Harry Potter by mahallem [Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, PG-13]
Okay, I would never have found this fic if it weren't for painless_j and company's reviewing experiment. Why choose when you can have them both. *giggles* I thought this fic was hysterical.

Also worth reading:
House Colours by Sarka [Harry/Draco, R] AU
Death Isn't The Handicap It Used To Be by anonymous [Harry/Snape, PG]

recs, recs: harry/draco, recs: rarepairs

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