I've been trying to post this for a couple of days now. Either I'm getting bumped from the computer or I just don't the time to even turn it on.
This is by no means exhaustive. There are several fics I haven't read yet, including the highly recced
May Contain Nuts, but this is a good enough start.
Imperius [Narcissa/Rosmerta, NC-17]
This is probably one of my favorite fics of the fest. This is such a great character study of Narcissa, who I usually don't get see much in fics other than in her role as wife and mother. Both sensual and sad, a really great read.
In the Shadow of Such Wisdom [Neville/Blaise, NC-17]
I was completely taken with this Neville (and so is Blaise). He is so self-possessed and sexy, it's almost startling, but it also works. I thought the pacing of this fic was perfect and the sex was… um, sexy, like it should be.
A Moment Is All It Takes [Draco/Luna, NC-17]
Who knew I'd be so taken with a Draco/Luna fic, but this hit all the right buttons. I loved this characterization of Draco, desperate, in over his head and it perfectly matches the glimpses we see of him in the HBP. If you're a Draco fan, don't let the pairing scare you away.
But Someone's Got To Do It [Neville/Charlie, NC-17]
You generally can't go wrong with fics about magical tattoos that come to life during sex. I enjoyed every word of this fic. There are a lot of great details and funny moments in this, and Neville is just so adorable, and Charlie couldn't be any hotter.
Slipped Around and Tightly Secured [Goyle/Luna, NC-17]
Luna is getting a lot of play in this fest. Even though this is essentially a PWP, and a hot one at that, I loved the characterizations and poignancy that lies underneath what they're doing.
Black Widow [Pansy/Tom Riddle, Pansy/Draco, NC-17]
I thought this was a fantastic and well-crafted story with a great plot. Very erotic and a nice glimpse of wizarding Prague, too.