I went to see Rogue One a week+ ago, but then I read
this post from a fellow information-professional, and it made me remember I was going to say something to someone about this, so I wrote a half-assed thing in FB and now I want to write a bit more here, because I can.
So, you've gone and read the original post listed above, right? Right.
My "
Yes and" riff on this was as follows--
1. The stupid General went and murdered the entire team who built the Death Star. What the ever loving fuck is up with that? Because nobody will ever need to talk to them again, nothing would possibly go wrong that you need the team that built this huge piece of technology and moving parts that took... decades!! to build and think up... you just go and MURDER them all?! For this reason alone, the Empire deserves everything they get when the Rebellion blows them up. Who knows where the team was in documentation or solving for the immediate bugs. You know there were issues on site where they hit the live button before they were actually done, and they were just working through the issue on deck 8 where the HVAC wasn't working right, or *whatever*
2. How many archvists were murdered in this movie? First, you had whoever was exactly where I am right now typing this: the front desk- the person who greets visitors and helps researchers determine what they need and all the stuff you do when you have researchers. Then they just blow up the whole planet, so whoever wasn't working at that moment just up and gets evaporated, too.
crap. I've run out of time to write, but that was my initial thoughts. If anyone wants to talk more about this, I wanna talk about it too