I'm working the front desk every morning this week, as we are ridiculously short-staffed with one person at a conference and another on vacation. So, I'm here, doing my thing as best I can, and helping patrons.
I got an email from a fellow who's coming in today first thing, apologizing that he'd not written sooner, but giving me a list of books he's looking for with all the relevant information. Since he passed the "give me the correct info" hurdle, I fill out the call slips for him and have the books waiting for him when he arrives.
He arrives.
My eyes may well have bugged out because JESUS H CHRIST HE IS PRETTY in the perfectly preppy, want to get you a little dirty way:
- dark hair, trimmed lately and stylishly short
- sparkly eyes
- dimples. Symmetrical dimples.
- full lips
- clean shaven
- button-down shirt tucked into
- slim pants and belt match
- he has a pocket knife. HE IS PREPARED!
I thought that was enough to end me, between that and the clearly competant/knows how this library works, the final slaying thing: He has tortoise framed glasses. Please excuse me while I try to remain calm and professional over here.