Jan 28, 2015 22:43
We did not have french toast, but I did make cinnamon buns today, on our 2nd day of being at home with Snowpocalypse. It's the first storm where QE was not in a plow for 48 hours straight, he says he is wistful, but I'm glad he was home. We're in the midst of a huge project at work that demands we meet goals by X date. The work was transportable, so I'm set for going back to work tomorrow with no stress on that count. I ended up staying up til 12:30 last night to get today's quota in so I could relax, which is pretty much what I did. With a pantsless toddler. Preschooler? I feel like he's getting a bit big for the term "toddler." He's more of a scale all things and run fast and be very articulate. Anyway... pantless progeny for the last 2 days and we'll keep on that. Today was better than yesterday for that.
This 2 days reminds me I'm not an ideal candidate for SAHM status.
OK. My head really isn't into this post, but wanted to leave at least something in here- I need to be in bed and I just want my ipod to synch up already.