(no subject)

Oct 10, 2013 22:40

I realized today that I've been so otherwise occupied, I've not really read LJ since Saturday. So, I'll just add to new data, then go back to previously written data.

First the drains
  • Big social at the house (prep, doing, recovery) -- good fun, but also work.
  • quiet_elegance's mom visiting for a long weekend.
  • Flu shot making me borderline ill.
  • Busy at work.
  • Needing to fix moderate but significant issue at work triggered a huge emotional reaction of inadequacy.
  • The Kid is super-clingy and wants to nurse whenever he's with me, and I'm feeling like I'm ready to start limiting that to bedtime/early wakeups.
  • He's also 2 going on 15.
  • QE working nights....
equals me suddenly out of cope yesterday. However, it's balanced by
  • Serendipitous meetings on the T with lifecollage who conveniently also loaned me her hanky so I could cry properly at her on the way home yesterday.
  • An exceptional 1:1 with my boss today where she pointed out how much of a rock star I have been and to not be so hard on myself ("hey, you were a lone arranger for how many years? It's OK, let's just move on and do what we need to do. Believe me, I have a lot I'd do over too, if I could.")
  • Being able to power through my emotional vortex at work without it spilling over onto my office mate and being able to share how difficult it can be to live through such a huge transition at work and have her GET it.
  • The visit with my MIL was entirely lovely and I'd be happy to have her back sooner than later.
  • QE is done working nights for a few days.
  • Some of my favorite people, Tom and Carol, are visiting tomorrow for dinner.
  • I get a half day at work; I'll be getting my hair cut (I'm SUCH a hippie right now), and still be home early to have some kid-free time before guests arrive.
  • The art is going spectacularly well. I now have 3 Tardis, two classic, one experimental. More pictures to follow. My toggle jewelry is very gratifying. I haven't photographed any of them yet, though. I am pleased to have sorted some of the technical issues that were causing system failures.
  • The flu shot seems to be done kicking my ass.
Wanting to write more and less bullet pointy, but bed is way more important. 

socializing, art, health, kid!, family, friends, cranial upkeep, work

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