Hel-lo, Chiro

Sep 20, 2013 09:33

(When you read that, think Animaniacs styling of "Hello, Nurse")

So, thanks to coraline, I checked out the Davis Square Chiropractic office. It's exactly convenient, which was 75% of what I required, quite frankly. I had a very nice chat with the young lady at the front desk while I waited for my turn- talked about music and "kids these days" with their lack of  taste. If she was more than 21, I'd be surprised.

Dr. Dave is... gah. CUTE. So effing adorable. Preppy and happy to meet you and full of enthusiasm, a can-do attitude. So, I talked about how my neck crinks out easily, especially after sleeping. How my mid-back has a low-hum of pain more often than I actually realize and an awful tightness across my vertebrae when it's actively bothersome. He had me do all the tests they have you do on the first visit: bend this way, push against this hand, pull against this one, does any of that hurt? No? OK. Stand here, etc. So, no ah-hah til he saw me stand in profile and he just about pounced. I stand somewhat forward, on the balls of my feet, I think a bit the opposite of pregnancy gait, where you lean back a bit to compensate.

He said it matter-of-factly, but I felt hugely complimented that he called my physique sporty/athletic and otherwise entirely fit. He added up all the factors: work in an office, still nursing and carrying a toddler about, a profession that requires a lot of focused, fine motor control, ditto and double those needs for what I do for fun: crafts and bicycling, being a side-sleeper. Even the way I casually stand with my arms crossed: everything I do has lead to over-developed pecs. (I know, rawr), That has pulled my shoulders together, creating this conflict in my upper body- the pull on the shoulders makes my neck want to go forward, but it's not really- so there's strain there. There's strain down to the bone on my mid-back from the muscles pushing forward. He was really excited about this for a lot of reasons: 1. It's actually very easy to correct in a relatively short amount of time and 2. I came in before it was an emergency, pro-actively.
And I am excited because now I understand why my spine's mad at me and even better, I can do things immediately to start to correct the problem and it'll actually get better. I think the exposure to QE's chronic pain made me skittish, skewed me to believe it's a viper's nest: you figure out one problem only to have something else pop up and bite you.
After (trying) to adjust me, he said that if he were to rate his patients on a scale, that my adjustment was in the top 5 of most difficult, which I find kind of hilarious given my issues aren't dire. A bit of a paradox.

Unfortunately, my neck hurts more now than it did when I went in, but at least I know why it hurts.


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