I stalk internet-famous people via my RSS feed, primarily via Tumblr. I also stalk some Tumblr accounts inspired by other things (because that's what Tumblr's all about, really. And gifs.) So, I follow
Nerdfighter Art at. The trend is to do arty paintings of quotes done by John or Hank Green or from John's books. Sort of like cross stitch samplers with aphorisms. Or truisms.
However, yesterday's
Vlogbrother's post included the following, an idea expressed by John's wife, Sarah, aka The Yeti, realized when she was still a teenager:
Everyone's thinking about themselves
as much as she was thinking about herself
and that therefore no one else
had time to think about her.
That is the first time I've wanted to do one of those watercolor renditions of the cross stitch truism. I may have to fix the pronouns so it scans better, though. This concept really is a good thing to keep in mind when one is wigging out about rando-interaction with someone who made you feel angry/weird/sad/upset. I think it's more true when one is a teenager, but it doesn't entirely go away.
If I do the watercolor, I will share it with the internet in some form. Possibly via Nerdfighter art