Another fun evening out- last Friday and this

Jun 15, 2012 22:50

Last Friday I went to hear The Bloggess/Jenny Lawson talk at the Brookline Booksmith. It was fun. Robin came with me out, we didn't drown, met up with caulay and had Zaftig's. By the time we got there, the basement was insanely packed. The reading was huge fun, but since those of us who wanted the book had it and mine was already signed, we opted out of crushing crowds and long waits in line in favor of ice cream.

This evening it was John Scalzi at the Harvard COOP for the Redshirts tour. Crime Fighter and quiet_elegance converged with me and again caulay, we had burritos outside and kept Mr. D. from eating cigarette butts or wood chips and did not get overwhelmed by the Hitchcock-esque groupings of hopeful pigeons and sparrows. QE and Mr. D. headed for home and we headed for the bookstore. The COOP's author event space is kick-ass. It was also not mobbed 40 minutes before the event, so we actually got to sit and I even got to ask a question at Q&A, again what with it not being over-run. (The question was: with Redshirts being my first of his books*, what would he recommend for my next?-- Of course the audience wanted to be helpful, but I didn't ask them- I asked him!) The readings were fantastic and we were treated to a super-secret vignette from the [redacted] series, which was [redacted]! I thought it was just [redacted]. Super-bonus moment: Since he's a groovy dude and does this sort of thing, Scalzi was hanging out ahead of the official start time talking to folks, so I got to show him a picture of Crime Fighter in his Star Trek command uniform, and like a good dad he awwwww-ed. 

I decided not to ask to get my picture taken with, because... well, I'd not seen anyone else do so and what you can't see are the security guard looking grumpy and the staff member directly out of frame on the left side. And I thought best not to slow down the line.

*The thing is, Redshirts was the first book I'd read by Scalzi. purple_terror has several of his books- some procured by me, even, but I just was having a hard time getting around to it and/or the concepts were... eh? I dunno. Whatever reason, I was enjoying stalking him on social media like one does with people who seem really nifty and hang round people who are also pretty groovy. I guess I was just looking for the right starter book, and Redshirts is entirely awesome. I demolished all but the coda in about 4 days. I also have the audio version (as read by Wil Whaton) waiting for me. I now have Old Man's War in my read pile and when Fuzzy Nation comes out in paperback, I'll get that- if not for me, but for PT's collection.

Yay nerdy writers! Yay for going out with my friend and doing adult-centric things. Woo!

books, friends, fannish

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