My first Arlington commute: Warning! Bus geeking

May 23, 2011 08:51

Despite the rain today , I am pretty stoked.

From what I can tell, I can choose between 67, 77, 79, 350- can't remember where 80 ends up-, but saw an 80 bus-
I took a 79 over the 77 since minkrose - and others- have gone on at length about how irritating the 77 can be at rush hour (faster to walk sometimes, given how it stops at every block). The driver was concerned about the congestion on 16/2, but seriously- it only took 10 minutes from my stop to Alewife. I think that turned out to be better than the slow path up Mass. Ave. From Lexington it's 20-30 min, minimum. And as we know, it doesn't take much for a slow down in one spot to domino through the commute. I got into Park St. by 8 and sitting to have my breakfast by 8:15ish.

So! Those who take buses through Arlington in towards downtown Boston-- What's your favorite? Do you find that taking a different path helps depending on in/out bound?

city life

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