Ongoing developments

Mar 23, 2011 10:21

I told the gym that I'd be going on hiatus in May. I rarely can manage more than once a week, which is not cost-effective. I have been doing well with filling in gaps at home with DVDs, and it's almost bike season. I feel a bit bad about it, particularly since I feel the gym is struggling, but I also need to do what's right by me. They can put my membership on hold for 6 months, which should be about right if all goes well.

The agent sent us a great listing today. It's in Arlington, decent location- not as great as I'd like, but so much potential. Sadly, there's no pictures of the inside. It's for May 1, which is a bit soon- may need to do some over-lap (and really get in on that packing thing). We have the street address so all of us are likely to do our own recon today.

Musical Note: I added Zoe Keating to my Laurie Anderson station on Pandora. Wow, is this fun.  If you want me to share said station with you, let me know and I'll email you.

quiet_elegance  and I had a date last night out at The Foundry in Davis. This was after a bit of socializing (for the first time in months at Diesel). I have high marks to assign. The service was exceptionally attentive. Food was entirely tasty. They have poutin, too. Holy cow. They mixed me something that was like a lime rickey. q_e enjoyed both the beer and the Manhattan. Not cheap, but considering the booze not that unusual. Particularly if you appreciate a bit of extra attention from the staff.

Still no word on work for him, but he's 2nd in line for apprentice work (out of dozens, if not at least a hundred). That's fantastic. Hoping hoping hoping for something that will be high quality and with some longevity.

Between the coffee I didn't even finish and all the half-thoughts I have in my head, I'm wholly without work focus right now.

union, caffinated ramblings, house stuff, family, music, gym, food

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