this has been a thing for a few days/weeks in Internet Land. Short version: Nathan Fillion said in an off-had way how if he had a crazy amount of money (won the lottery) he'd buy the rights to Firefly and make it available all the time. And of course, some really hard-core people took him at his word. The thing is, Fillion has said (several times): dudes, it was just something I said, not a thing I expect to happen. In his interview with Chris Hardwick on The
Nerdist podcast, (#65) he said if people are going to raise millions of dollars, better to try to cure a disease with it.
And yet, "Help Nathan Buy Firefly" is still something that's an active thing. I swear people are doing that "well, what does he really mean, don't send him money." Guys. Don't send him money. Just don't. Don't do this thing. Use your immense energies for other good activities, but this one is not something that is likely to happen. It's just rife with pitfalls, particularly when the guy at the focus of the energy said "no." Remember No means No? Apparently not. This almost makes me want to get a twitter account so I can pretty please ask the man himself if he can try one more time to stem the nerd passion on this doomed adventure. Almost.
Keep in mind, I'd be thrilled if there was a chance in hell anything could happen to make Firefly 'verse return. But this isn't it. I did watch a bit of it last night on the Science Channel- yay, Science Channel! It reminded me of how much I love it and I miss it. And with that- time to slog through the rain and mud to go ride a bicycle to nowhere in a basement.