I spent most of the day sorting through pictures with the ultimate goal of having stuff for next weekend's memorial for Grammy, but also because Mom's storage options had room for improvement. Technically this is still true, but it's much better now. Almost all the scanning I've done has been for my own edification. I may do another set before bed considering how well this set went.
This one-- hm. I think was done by Chris L. in my senior year (1993). Or Bryan. Or Renee. Are you surprised I had friends in art classes?
I'm pretty sure it's against the law to let kids this young get married, and yet...
From Dad's work earlier this week of Grammy, circa 1927:
Definitely click to embiggen, for it's many dorables. Also I'm rather proud of my tree-hugging roots. There's been a lot more than this, but these all had a certain sharability.