As part of my sabbatical, I have decided to (finally) catalog all my books of the books in the house. I discovered today that LibraryThing has a limit of 200 titles for their free account. I chose to give them the princely sum of 25 bucks for a lifetime membership. (It was 10 for the year- seemed a no brainer)
I had not quite grokked that when I use the barcode scanner and have the window open to the
LibraryThing page and the cursor in the search field, by gum, the isbn comes up right there!! No cut and paste! Love!! Not all of the barcodes are isbns, but sellers codes. Sometimes the ISBN isn't in the front of the book, either (mostly paperbacks. Mostly), so I had type it in as I go. I had been going back for them later, but this time I take the more tedious in small bursts rather than lots of keying in all at once. I also find that if I have my mouse placed just so on the page, all I have to do is click when the suggested title is brought up. No moving around extra! Unfortunately, I went up to the 2nd floor - where 99% of my paperbacks live- without the cord for the laptop. I worked until the laptop said "feed me!!" It's now after 1 and we're leaving for Maine at 3-something. It seemed a sign to stop. My back's killing me from sitting on the metal stool, too.
Not only is the project useful for me in the long run, it helps me find out the details of LT that I'd not know without extensive use, and I'll be able to talk about it for my upcoming classes with Real Authority. This is an awesome thing.
Now... time to eat lunch, go to the library, and clean up!