Obligatory Welcome Message

Oct 10, 2020 22:45

So you found my LJ. Welcome, and nice to see you. Just for the record (and so you don't have to slog through my profile to find out the house rules), here are my policies for interacting with me on my journal. Note that as I feel the need to, I might tweak these rules slightly, but for the most part, they'll remain constant.

Enough rambling outta me, here are my LJ House Rules:

1) Don't be an asshole/drama llama/whatever. If you can't comment nicely to me, keep it to yourself. I deal with this sort of shit enough with my parents IRL, I don't need it from anyone on here. (It's also part of why I no longer allow anonymous comments to my journal entries; I've found it allows cowards to make whatever smart-ass remarks they wish while remaining anonymous.)

2) If you must disagree, do so nicely. I don't mind discussing and debating my opinions. Hell, I'm fine with agreeing to disagree, so long as I don't get flamed for holding a contrasting opinion from yours. You want to flame? Again, keep it yourself.

3) Remember that I'm human. I have my moments. I laugh, I cry, I get really f^$%&ng steamed. Remember all that, don't take me 115% seriously, and just give me a hug if it seems I need one. I also make some human (and sometimes very idiotic) mistakes, try not to hold 'em against me, please?

4) Yes, I'm actually a pretty private person. LJ aside, I am rather private about myself at times. Blame the shit my folks heap on me on a semi-regular basis for that one. I won't always share every itty-bitty detail of my life on here; I'm just not fascinating enough for that.

5) Feel free to smack me with my own "rules stick" if I break any of my own rules. 'Nuff said.

6) No 133t5p34k. It's one thing if you use it as a joke, but if that's your regular way of communicating online, then all bets are off.

I may make changes to this list (adding, clarifying, etc) as I see it needs it. I probably won't make my LJ Friends Only, mainly because I do know folks without a LJ who like to read mine.

In closing, don't be a jerk on here, and I'll be a happy girl. Till laters, y'all!

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