Yaoi Yuri or Hentai?

Oct 04, 2009 17:10


I seriously dont care for yuri or hentai well hentai on like certaint occasions.....=/////= oh leave me alone anyway *Scrathes head* sometimes I may go overboard at my own expense but its not all bad at least I have a way to practice my anotomy~ right? Ne~?

I love parings though I have tons I practice drawing them most of the time even though my friends keep saying...
Youre a fangirl
But I dont over over do it do I?

*Sighs* and on top of that im still working on a stupid crossover between reborn and inuyasha... I admit its on the sucky side but its also somewhat good I just need to describe better~ anyways here I go....alone...in the dark~

She just sat in the cold dark room staring at her window while the moon decided to hide for the night behind a few clouds in the sky at that moment she couldnt see the ring on her finger....It was almost like an experment even though she knew she wasnt the orignal Kagome Hiragashi and just Kurosaki they wanted to see how she could handle that Demonic ring it was orignally for the Vongola though but was givien to her family as a gift and only the bosses' or rather next generation's could handle such a power that's where Kagome .K comes in it was only a year ago she found out the truth...

"So Im just here to test out the Moon ring? im just a copy?" She wimpered as she looked on to her friend "My whole existsance is based on this? why couldnt the orignal do it?! why am I here?" the questions was eating her from the inside out while her friend looked away "Meroku! Say something!!!"

"Say what? That I didnt care? That I wanted you to find out this way?!  Because I didnt you werent ready for this truth yet! We were afraid that you would leave!" He yelled with tears begining to fill his eyes she took a few steps back wishing that she was human not a half demon not a clone just human

"I-I ....I...Cant leave im bound to this place weather I like it or not....I just cant have a normal life I cant win.." and with that she felt her voice breaking like her glass heart she may be a clone but she had her own mind her own skill and talent her own power that was all staged Meroku felt so gulity as he held her he didnt let go "Why...Why did you do this? Why me?" she felt her tears running down her face he sighed

"The power of the Moon ring has the sky and rain attributes and holds the souls of the past carnations before you the one with a pure heart and soul can control the rings demonic nature which is currently you" Meroku attempted to explain
"Sky and Rain attributes?" she hummed in the lonely islolated room she slept in then relized that the ring came from the Vongola and that she heard that the next generation is living in Japan Namimori to be exact she had only met Reborn once...she was in the infermary when she saw the man leaning over her examing her

"Reborn....." she hummed once more as she tried to picture the face her family were extermly special they work in secret not fighting other familes as much but rather demons it turns out Reborn heard about the same rumor and checked it out Kagome and the other were coming back from there latest encounter with a demon with Kagome injured a little a few moments after she heard voices on the other side of the door although she couldnt make out what they were saying or who it was until she saw a man wearing a black and orange suit along with a lizard he would call Leon she remembers his voice as well
"So your Kagome? I have a gift for you." He said while she looked puzzled her brown eyes in a haze

"M'ph what is this? a ring?" she examined it closely "There's a demonic pluse coming from it"

"You may have noticed a demonic aura right?" She was shocked when the mafiosio said that she was acutally trembling at this point as he took his hand and opened her mouth "Ah a real half-demon fangs and all"

"What are you giving me this for?" She snapped trying to calm herself down and keep composer

"It was ment for you like I said a gift from the Vongola"

"But th-"

"Use this in battle it will help you more than you expect"

alfred, inuyasha, hetalia, mizaki

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