As Seen On The Fox Sisters LJs

Jun 29, 2008 11:44

While I wait for Michael to come out of the shower...where I wish I was right now. ;)

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
10. I am so tired of you saying "I know" and "I will." Just FREAKIN' DO IT!
9. I know you don't like me, so don't even pretend to be all nicey-nicey at meetings. Everyone knows you don't like me anyway.
8. So you can't be the center of my universe. Get over yourself.
7. I honestly cannot stand to talk to you, look at you, deal with you. However, our lives or connected, and I must. You meke me feel like nothing when you look at me, and I wish I could just not care at all what you think. I hate you.
6. YOU I love, more than I ever thought I could.
5. Yes, I know I'm disorganized, and scatter-brained. You don't have to treat me like I'm viral to you.
4. Picnic, two weeks from today. You being there would make my world so much happier!
3. Why do you love me?
2. Yes, I have given up on you. We were supposed to be partners and I'm embarrassed that you got what you wanted out of the deal and then always. I'm moving on without you. As if you don't even exsist in the scheme of things.
1. I miss you, even though we never met. I still think you're the most adorable thing on this planet.

Nine Things About Myself:
9. I've ridiculously low self-esteem.
8. I don't know how to be a *really* good friend.
7. I know I complain about too much, and I don't know how to stop myself from doing it.
6. I can bake a fabulous cheesecake.
5. I really like my hair right now, the best it's ever been.
4. I truly believe I've found my soulmate.
3. I've got a crush on Jimmy Stewart. George Bailey makes me weak in the knees.
2. I love to make things, I'm just not good at finishing things.
1. One thing I feared most of my adult life, I've discovered I truly do enjoy...a lot.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
8. Love Christmas.
7. Don't be afraid to laugh loudly.
6. Play with my hair.
5. Look at me when I'm talking to you, so I know you're listening.
4. Be proud to be giddy.
3. Be passionate about what you enjoy.
2. Sunflowers.
1. Love God.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
7. What did I do wrong now?
6. I guess I'll have to do it myself...again.
5. Where did I put my coffee cup?
4. I wish I was in Michael's arms right now.
3. I wish I was more organized.
2. Did I do that right?
1. I wish I had more friends.

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
6. Brush my teeth.
5. Wash my face.
4. Snuggle with Michael (or talk to him on the phone if he's not with me.)
3. Moisturize!
2. Rub my feet together.
1. Toss and Turn whilst thinking of all I need to do, or did not do, or am overwhelmed about doing.

Five People Who Mean a Lot:
5. Michael
4. Christopher
3. Chelsea
2. Deb
1. Lisa Lisa

Four Things You're Wearing Right Now:
4. Happy Bunny Panties
3. Black Bra
2. Black Sun-Dress
1. Black shoes with white polka-dots

Three Songs That You Listen to Often (Currently):
3. Fee "Glorious One"
2. David Crowder Band "Never Let Go"
1. Need to Breathe "Washed By The Water"

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
2. Go to Europe
1. Be a grandmother

One Confession:
1. I can't believe I wasn't interested in the least in him. Not one little bit, at first.
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