Sep 19, 2005 15:44
Went to a comedy show last night and saw Chong, the judge from Night Court (not that funny a guy) and Ron Howard, who does standup with Foxworthy. I liked Chong's bit the best, but Howard told the funniest joke. It was something along these lines:
Here's an analogy I have a problem with: "I have my own cross to bear." I heard this man say to his friend, "I've got a great job, but I've got my own cross to bear. I sit next to this guy who never shuts up. Talks all day long." Now, picture Jesus carrying this 3,000 lb. cross on His back across a city...(imitating Jesus trying to hold up a cross), he's like, "This cross sure is heavy, but at least I don't have to work with a chatterbox."
I don't know if this comes across as being funny on LJ, but it was freakin' hilareous. He probably told a few other really great jokes, but my head started throbbing so hard it almost split in half, so it was hard to listen. I have a cold.