Aug 23, 2005 10:28
Well...gah. So, my cousin joined LJ today. Yippee for that. Now she doesn't have to hold her breath when I call, wondering, "Will there be drama or not?" Cuz usually I post my pre-drama as it builds up and then make the phone calls. Anyway, so now I've got about 8 or 9 friends, which for me is a lot. Yea!
My cat hates his new kitten. Well, okay, I think he's more angry with me than the kitten. And if he could roll his eyes...well, he would. I put out seperate food and water bowls for the kitten last night, and ole' Blitzcat worked feverishly until he figured out how to tump them over. I watched him overturn the food bowl, and was fine with it, thinking, "When I finish my cheese, I'll just go sweep that up." But before I could stop him, he tumped over the water bowl, too, leaving a mess of soggy catfood and water for me to clean. I poured water on him. Maybe that was the wrong thing to do. At any rate, he will not get on the bed with me, will not come to me, and will barely look at me. He's not so much mean to the kitten as he is to me. The kitten got confused and pooped on the carpet in my bedroom. His poop smells of beans because the hippie fed him natural catfood. He likes Meow Mix just fine, and I can't wait until his poop starts smelling like regular cat poop. I wonder if Eric and Ali's kitten (they are Siamese twins - - not Eric and Ali, as you might think, but the actual kittens) has bean-smelling poop.
I'm looking at psychology schools. Just looking. It's a direction I might take. We'll see.
K, bye.