stevie wonder

Aug 17, 2005 12:34

Okay, so, I'm glad the only people posting are Cassie and me, and no one but me sees Cassie's posts. This is nice. LJ all to myself.

So anyway, I've decided that I'm glad Steve dumped me. Because the more I think about it, he's a jerk. What he basically said to me, after I cut through the BS, was, "I can't stay with you or I'll use you for sex." What? So you can connect with my vagina, but not my personality? Okay. That makes for a good new issue to have with men and my self-esteem. Is he the only one who admits this? Hmm. Well, the other thing is that I e-mailed him a completely plutonic message telling him what happened with my grandma, since he dumped me the day I said good-bye to her and all, and I told him she died but that I was okay (in case he was interested) and stuff of the sort. Real casual. NO REPLY. Not, "I hope you're okay," or "Hi." Nothing. Crickets. Cricket bastard.

Okay, I want to say that my cousin writes some of the funniest stuff I read. I'd like to paste part of an e-mail she sent me yesterday. Props to her:

I would of e-mailed you earlier but I got
> my
> eyes checked at 10 today and she dilated them then I
> couldnt see my hand in front of my face for like 3
> hours! I told her I was driving home but apparently
> she didnt give a care. I walked out of the
> office...which was downtown.....which I dont know
> very
> well....then I tripped over the curb. Next I almost
> walked out in front of a car. After I got in my car
> (yeah a little dangerous) I got lost cuz I couldnt
> read the signs, had a panic attack and then spilled
> tea in my lap. Long story short- I need glasses.....
> and I got the "dry eye". I guess to go along with
> the
> "dry toe".
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