The Beau's band was much awesome... the music was pretty tight, and this time they introduced a media show behind them, orchestrated by one of the guitar players' girlfriend. Big crowd came out, much conversing and a little drinking and some bashing on NKU teachers. I had a really nice time, although I had to walk an interesting line of alcohol, water, and sociability, as I was the DD for the evening :)
Anyhoo, I'm off this week, SO:
A chorelist for me.
1) Put together a bag of clothes to donate - see if The Beau has anything
2) Relay training in ernest
3) Take box of books to half-price
4) Pack winter clothes
5) Pack books
6) Make a few trips to the new place with stuff
7) Laundry
8) Clean bits and pieces
9) Taxes
10) Sam's: get packing tape and Excedrin. To do first thing Tuesday morning. - hit up K-mart on the way back from the run yesterday.
11) (Accidental) unload dishwasher
Hee! 9 items for now. Like it would stay at 9. Hehehe.
It looks so easy. Except not.