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Feb 17, 2009 14:24

I've finished 2 whole books this year (with 3 more that I'm reading concurrently. Eventually I'll get off the pc and finish them). What's worse is that they are books for my class :) But they are both really good reads.

Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights by Kenji Yoshino
This is Kenji's description of his own coming-out story, and how he feels he must portray himself as a gay Asian-American. He details greatly the notion of "covering," of how we all learn to fit into the "norm" and the stereotypes associated with our outward presentations, in order to keep the peace and not make waves. I found it interesting that Kenji had little conflict with being Asian, but much more conflict with being gay. It's a good, quick read, and delves into how we all "cover" in some fashion.

Becoming a Visible Man by Jamison Green
Very much enjoyed this one. Jamison is a FtM transsexual, and he discusses his own personal journey as well as some of the activism around transgendered folk. He answers a lot of questions about the general process of transitioning, down to nitty-gritty details, and spells out exactly what it felt like for him to be transgendered. He has a very helpful explanatory tone throughout the book, that doesn't make it seem as though he's looking down on those who don't understand; he just wants to offer information and guidance and opinions on where we as a nation need to go in the future to further acceptance.
As far as reading about a transsexual, and the physical and psychological aspects of it, I recommend this over She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan (reviewed here: http://miz-anneliese.livejournal.com/157369.html).

Books I'm in the middle of:
Wielding a Red Sword (Incarnations of Immortality) by Piers Anthony
Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid by Dr. Denis Leary
The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio

Along with a variety of comics.


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