Nothing In My Way

Dec 30, 2006 07:00

I am a Public Safety Dispatcher for a rather large Indian Casino located in the Southern California desert. And being in this line of work (I do use this term loosely, for I seldom get any real work), I occasionally see a few weird things on my security cameras, or hear some hilarious incidents on the radio which lead to the Police picking up random people from our holding cell.
Tonight, I thought, wouldn't be any different. One of my patrol guys got a call about a drunk woman who had jumped into the pool and then came into the Hotel Lobby dripping wet and trying to sleep on a couch. When the officers arrived at the scene, the said lady was actually bleeding from the head. The officers examined her, cleaned her up and sent back up to her room, sternly warning her not to come down for the rest of the night or she'd be arrested for public intoxication or some such. Now, this being in the Hotel Lobby, I was able to watch all of this on my little camera and noted it down in our daily logs. Nothing much to it, right?

It's 4:15 this morning and I'm up, playing WoW and owning some punk-ass who decided to fuck with my lower level alt. My phone rings and it's Cez (who works at the Casino, doing Hotel Night Audit). Turns out--cue the Law and Order music--the crazy lady from earlier was murdered in her room (apparently drowned in the tub or some such) and the lobby is crawling with cops. The pool is taped off, Cez and his coworker was interviewed, all the top brass from the Casino got called in and it's general pandemonium.

Shortly after we hang up, I'm back to playing WoW when my phone rings again. It's work. They need my statement. I play dumb, saying I'm freaking sleeping and it's almost 5 in the morning. They agree, but I have to give one tomorrow when I come in 'or else.' yeah, right.

So here I am, 7 a.m. and I haven't slept yet, thinking about the poor crazy dead lady in Room 1104.
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