cover your shame, woman!

Sep 19, 2006 16:16

IF I SEE ONE MORE FAT CHICK IN THOSE GODAWFUL 80'S LEGGINGS, I WILL SERIOUSLY HURT SOMEONE. Just because it looks really freaking cute on the size 2 model, does NOT mean it will look as equally well wrapped around your thunder thighs.

okay, moment has passed. moving on.

My birthday is coming up! On the day of October 14th, my wonderful and glorious self will be . .23!! I have no plans as of yet, but I'm pretty sure Cez has something brewing, though he's being all myseterious-like. But on the 10th, I'm going to LB to meet up with the Kure-chan, since she got us tickets to the DRESDEN DOLLS! be still, my beating heart. ^ ^
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