well, I have been wondered along and take a good read at others lj and realize when I
open my own journal. what a mess. well, it's my own journal, I know I can wrote anything as I desire, the problem , there are no decorative view at all. I was too lazy to make the layout so I leave it just like this without any more make - up - layouts.
whatever .
how about it?? I collect many type of pencils . not so long ago I have a COMPLETE collection but unfortunately I lost those pencilcase. %@#*-+/:!@?'!.
I have from 6H-2H,H,B,F,2B-9B,HB on various labels .
I collect it not for nothing, I use them since I entered technical major at my univ..
so everyday just like play things to me. somuch fun! you just have to drawing everyday, make a models in abstract composition but have a functional matters, many humor..
it's like I do crafts everyday. many of my friends make it like they have a big burden of it, maybe I the only one person who take it easy?? well, life is hard, but don't make it more hard by thinking so hard for it. so many easy ways, why take a hard and difficult ways to do?? sometime we are not scared by the task, but by scared itself.
so, easy . if you still not understand, then go watch Johnny English. hahaha...
I really realize sometimes I take a difficult way of thinking and makes easy job to the extend of very difficult, not to mention to make it so easy. like a parkur style.
today I re-read Kouun no Rihatsushi.
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